March 26, 2012

Wellness/Fitness - Exercise Properly

Last week we discussed the fact that exercise, and Wellness/Fitness programs, can in fact lead to firefighter injuries instead of keeping firefighters safe.  You might be wondering, “Can we afford to exercise, given the injury rates related to it?”  Of course, we all know that exercise is a must so that you can be prepared to fight the battles you fight at work, whether you are lifting patients onto gurneys, or bringing a heavy hose to a fire.  We all know this, and while exercising does have its own hazards, it’s still really important.  Obesity rates for firefighters are higher than the public.  This seems wrong, doesn’t it?  You should be the fittest members of our society.  The public is relying on you.  So, be sure and exercise, but do it safely.

Strains and Sprains were reportedly the most common types of injuries that occurred during Wellness/Fitness activities.   In September this blog focused on avoiding strains and sprains (and any injuries at all!) while exercising.  Revisit it today!  Also, keep in mind that stretching regularly helps you avoid injury while getting fit (and in your everyday life).

How often do you work out?

Do you use a spotter when you weight train?

Do you think you’re in good shape?  Be honest.

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