October 3, 2011

Strains & Sprains - While Entering and Exiting Appartus

Image courtesy of qnr on flickr
Your jobs require swift moves around emergency scenes, AND in and out of emergency vehicles.  You guys are in a rush to get to work, to save lives, and to put out fires, but in this process many of you are hurting yourselves.  Unfortunately, the TCFP has had many reports of firefighters suffering sprains and strains while entering and exiting emergency vehicles.   

These injuries have a lot to do with the rush you are justifiably in, but it also has a lot to do with the high steps on your vehicles, heavy equipment you’re carrying, and the types of boots you’re required to wear.  Many steps are missed and handrails are not being used.  

Check out these examples of the injuries occurring while exiting and entering vehicles:

“While stepping out of apparatus, member’s hand missed grab rail and fell off balance causing fall to floor”
“Sprained ankle while stepping out of fire apparatus at station”
“Stepped off pumper and strained knee”
“Fire fighter was stepping off apparatus at station after doing an inspection when he twisted his elbow”

I know we always say “be safe” to each other.  Most of the time we think we’re talking about being safe when it comes to responding to emergencies, but in this case, just be safe GENERALLY.  Taking care to watch your step and walk mindfully will prevent injury, and in the end, it will save time.  

Have you hurt yourself entering or exiting an emergency vehicle?

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