October 7, 2011


Exposures are one of those injury types that catch you off guard.  You don’t necessarily know when you may face exposures or what exactly you might be exposed to.  All you can do is be prepared and try and prevent any further issues resulting from those exposures.  This month we are focusing on the three different types of exposures we track at the TCFP:
  • Airborne
  • Blood
  • Chemical
The below chart displays the types of exposures occurring in various activities, as reported to our FIDO Injury Reporting System during 2011:

Types of Exposure occurring during different activities (2011) - click to enlarge

As you can see, most of these occurred during Rescue – Non Fire activities.  Visit the blog throughout October to learn more about the specific types of exposures we’re seeing, and ways to avoid these injuries.

If there are any specific types of exposures you or your departments are particularly interested in learning about, or that your department has had experience with, let us know here and we’ll focus our content to meet your current needs!

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