July 26, 2012

Heat Related Injuries

It is not yet near as hot as it was last year at this time, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not experiencing heat related injuries and sometimes LODDs.  From July 2011 to July 2012 you reported 41 heat related injuries.  These injuries are most often occurring during Fire Suppression and Skills Training activities - two areas where full PPE is typically worn.

Activities leading to heat related injuries - click to enlarge

Heat-related injuries include dehydration, dizziness and exhaustion:

Types of heat related injuries - click to enlarge

These injuries are occurring during overhaul, training exercises, rescue non-fire type calls, and while working fires.  All of this means you need to watch yourself and your team for signs of heat exhaustion and dehydration and you need to utilize the rehab services provided to you. 
Learn more about Heat Stress and Rehab today to stay safe (and cool!) tomorrow.

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