September 14, 2011

Guest Post: Do It Smarter

Today’s guest post is brought to you by Don Wilson – Compliance Deputy Division Director, TCFP

Having discussed the topic of safe lifting with veteran firefighters, one of the main messages that is always touched upon are these simple words of wisdom – “Do it smarter.” 
(Yes, the old guys do know some things that may be passed on…besides war stories)

This message is especially important when it comes to safe lifting.  Too many of the older firefighters have that “grandfather” walk.  You have witnessed this and may have even practiced it.  You know…the slow, methodical, bent back when getting up from a sitting position.  The stance that takes a few steps to get straightened out.  This is not due to poor posture, but instead comes from years of being the “man” and not asking for assistance when lifting objects - especially when lifting patients from awkward positions or when retrieving heavy objects from inconveniently high compartment spaces on apparatus. 

Forget this practice and Do It Smarter.

Hurting your back and having to deal with later nagging pain is not worth it.  Please take the time to evaluate the situation and then use the proper lifting techniques necessary to get the job done.
Image courtesy of the NIH's website

If the task requires additional help, seek it out. 
For example, that 30 ton PPV fan (Figuratively speaking, of course, but with a sore back it does seem this heavy) stored behind the pump panel (because that is the only available space), typically requires more than one person to remove from its storage spot… so get more than one person to do it!  It does no one on the scene any good if it is not utilized in a timely manner because you are injured in the process of moving the behemoth.  Not only do others have to take care of you, but other important and possibly life-saving operations are not being performed.  If you are injured this way, you are typically off for a few shifts (and will likely have re-occurring episodes in the future).  While this does contribute to the overtime pool for others, it does nothing for you and your future well-being. 

Once again, from a guy with experience….Do It Smarter.

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